Jun 16, 2020
Recorded 12 June 2020
Written by: Geoff Dahl & Vinod Viswalingam
Listen to this experience wherever you download your podcasts - including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, Google Podcasts, and Overcast.
Jun 15, 2020
In this experience we continue our look at the aviation hierarchy – who's who at the zoo? Now we move onboard the plane itself. We will look at two different types of staffing – one for traditional international flag carrier flights and one for low-cost/ultra low-cost carrier flights.
Different airlines have...
Jun 4, 2020
Recorded 23 May 2020
Written by: Geoff Dahl & Vinod Viswalingam
Listen to this experience wherever you download your podcasts - including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, Google Podcasts, and Overcast.
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Jun 2, 2020
In this experience we look at the different roles of people that normally work at an airport – who's who at the zoo?
In most cases the airline is either at a home base or it is at an outstation. When at the outstation the airline is either with its own staff or outsourced.
We move our way from the curbside outside the...